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Media Transparency

News is easily accessible to us, and we take this for granted. The news is very rarely coming from a source that doesn't take sides. In many parts of the world, uncensored impartial news isn't easily accessible. The articles are often told in a voice that is influenced by the political leaders of the country, and are in coherence with the stand that they take on particular issues. To read the entire news instead of half-truths, one has to jump through hoops, and an unabridged reliable account of the events is almost never available.
Who do we consider reliable sources of news?
Whose word do we believe?
This projects walks you through a few news articles about regions that we perhaps do not hear much about. The article is obstructed by a puzzle, and one can only view a fraction of the text at a time. As you read news from more regions, you ideally start having a broader perspective and things start to get more transparent.
All the news articles are taken from Fox News.